Event Listing

Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (TGAC) Virtual Workshop October 2025

15th Oct 2025
22nd Oct 2025
29th Oct 2025
15th Oct 2025: 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM
22nd Oct 2025: 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM
29th Oct 2025: 11:00 AM - 1:15 PM


Member: $695.00
Non Member: $995.00

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What is the CHP Australia Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (TGAC) Workshop?

In response to industry demand, CHP Australia has developed training workshops on the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code, and supporting regulatory framework.

We can also provide bespoke in-house training, customised to your needs.

Contact the experts at AdCheck to discuss your needs. A quote for the service will be provided once needs are identified.

Course Content

  • A brief introduction to the legislation that supports the Code (Therapeutic Goods Act and Regulations)
  • An overview of the TGA complaints process
  • The interface between foods, cosmetics, and medicines
  • A detailed review of the Code, including:
    • The application of the Code
    • General requirements for all adverts
    • Information required to be included in an advert
    • Testimonials and endorsements (including social media and influencers)
    • Restricted and prohibited representations

Learning is facilitated by means of presentations, videos, quizzes, and homework. Numerous examples are used to demonstrate concepts covered in each section.

The workshop will be facilitated by: AdCheck Advertising Compliance Consultants, Kevin Christopher, Emily Ma, Leenus Arul Mariathas or Josie Braid.

Why attend?

Therapeutic goods differ from normal articles of commerce.

A system of advertising controls has been put in place to make sure that advertising of therapeutic goods meets certain standards. We help you make sense of these requirements.

With the abolition of mandatory pre-approvals, the burden of responsibility has shifted entirely to the advertiser and anyone who is involved in the advertising of therapeutic goods (i.e., those who cause advertising). The TGA also has increased powers to enforce the legislation, and sanctions have increased.

A good grasp of the therapeutic goods advertising requirements is essential to ensure that advertising is accurate and ethical, helps consumers make informed self-care choices, and fosters trust in your company and the industry.

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at professionals working within the OTC, complementary medicine and medical devices industry sectors in the following areas:

  • Marketers
  • Regulatory affairs associates
  • Retailers
  • Publishers
  • Advertising agencies
  • Regulatory consultants
  • Media agencies and outlets
  • Consumer advocates

“A big thank you to Kevin and Leenus for such an informative and practical session. I learned so much in just one day! The presenters made complex topics easy to understand and provided plenty of opportunities for questions. I left feeling confident and ready to apply my new skills to my work. Highly recommend this course for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the TGAC."

Brooke Delfino, Accredited Practising Dietitian

“The course was really interesting; Josie, Kevin and Leenus ran the training really well and I came away from it feeling more confident with understanding the requirements.”

Caroline Gude, Quality & Compliance Manager, TVSN

Ref: TGAC25-P0000001-7

Media and Publications